South African Wine News
I publish South African wine news as and when I receive it so that you can stay up to date with the latest scoop in the wine industry.
A Jazzy Sunday Brunch at the Mount Nelson, A Belmond Hotel, Cape Town
The Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel Oasis Restaurant in Cape Town now has a Sunday brunch, which includes a brunch buffet, live jazz and bottomless Cap Classique.
This Restaurant Special in Cape Town Had Me at Bottomless Bubbly
This restaurant special at the Pot Luck Club is guaranteed to warm up your winter with its exceptional Sunday Brunch Winter Extravaganza. Don’t miss out on this 10-course menu which includes bottomless bubbly.
The Best Winery in South Africa: Creation Wines
I recently had the pleasure of exploring Creation Wines, the best winery in South Africa.
have news to submit?
PR agencies and wineries are welcome to e-mail me their press releases with lifestyle images to consider for publication.